"I was approached by Lucy Burrows, who was hands down the most genuine recruiter I've been contacted by while I've been looking for my next role. She didn't sound like she was speaking from a script, she listened and responded thoughtfully and asked my opinions throughout the process. Great work Lucy!"
M, Dryborough, Candidate

Lucy Burrows
Recruitment Consultant
Lucy's Story
Lucy joined Aaron Wallis in early 2022 after a year as a resourcer as she wanted the opportunity to take charge of the recruitment process from start to completion. Before this, Lucy ran her own
business providing homemade personalised cakes to giftware firms. With a steely and stealthy competitive edge and high self-motivation levels, Lucy has rapidly become a star consultant with
clients that adore her honest and straightforward project delivery approach.
With Equine Rehabilitation and Horsecare qualifications, Lucy loves the countryside. At the weekend, she will be found walking her dog, hiking peaks and looking after her horse, Temple Ossie.
In addition, Lucy is by far the most incredible baker and cake maker at Aaron Wallis.
More about Lucy
1. Describe your role in one sentence?
Recruitment is a roller coaster of all emotions! Some days are high, and other days not so. But it is always a thrill; you learn so much about yourself and human nature.
2. What is your style?
To listen, understand and deliver.
3. What’s the one thing that you’re best at solving for your clients
Helping clients understand how to be open-minded when looking for the perfect candidate.
4. Why would a client want to work with you?
I am consultative, open and honest.
5. What is the favourite aspect of your work?
Aiding companies to grow and genuinely helping people to change their lives. I have made a few placements where the candidates have already been promoted, and this aspect of the role is so
rewarding. One particular candidate has kept in touch with me, and to hear about their successes, in which I have played a small part, is a real privilege.
6. In your opinion, what makes a great sales person – 3 words?
Consultative, relentless, and tough skinned.
7. What would you put into Room 101?
Clients who take two weeks to reply to an email!
8. What is your hidden talent?
Being able to touch my nose with my tongue.
9. If you had a million pounds to give to a charity, who would you choose?
Dogs trust. The UK's largest Dog Rescue, Rehoming and Welfare Charity.
10. Name one thing that not most people know about you
I’ve never been on an aeroplane but been to over ten different countries by cruise ship.
11. Do you have any phobias?
12. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A horse rider – probably in Eventing.
13. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
My Dad. He seems to know everything and always has answers to obscure questions! Literally, he is a walking Google!
14. What is the temptation that you wish you could resist?
15. What is a skill that you’d like to learn?
How to play the piano.
16. Cats or dogs?
Dogs all day long, yet I do have three cats…
17. Favourite joke?
I have two:
What do you call a dinosaur with glasses? A Doyouthinkhesawus…
Why did the scarecrow get the job? Because he was outstanding in his field!
Search jobs
With hundreds of jobs available, now is the time to look for your perfect position

by Lucy Burrows
Recruitment Consultant

About the author
Lucy Burrows
Lucy is a diligent and stealthily competitive recruiter passionate about delivering clients’ expectations and helping candidates perform their best in interviews. She thrives on ensuring that the role is suitable for every candidate and hearing about the successes of her placements. Her content is straightforward, easy-to-read advice focused on first interview tips.