Why choose us?
We can tailor bespoke interview questions for you, so that you can best examine a candidate's suitability. We'll also arrange interviews and deal with the logistics for you.
Request a Meeting
We like to meet with every client that we represent as this really helps us to not only source the very best talent but also allows us to enthuse about your business to our candidate base.
One of the major reasons why employees look to move on in their first year is that they 'don't connect with the culture'. At Aaron Wallis we place a heavy emphasis on getting the person who is culturally best for your business.
What does this mean? Well, we look beyond skills and experience and look at the background and personalities of your best performing staff, we find out information about the values and direction of the business, we find out what sales approach works best and also what you do as a team to 'let your hair down'. In doing so we are best placed to effectively recruit for your business and get it right!
We therefore want to go beneath the surface to understand your direction, requirements and corporate culture and this is best done on a face-to-face meeting over Zoom or Teams.
Alternatively, we are more than happy to come to your premises at a time and date convenient to you. Also, we have fully equipped meeting rooms here in Milton Keynes.
We look forward to meeting with you and helping source the best sales talent for your business.
Simply complete the following short form to request an initial Zoom meeting. See you then!
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by Rob Scott
Managing Director
About the author
Rob Scott