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Paul Masterson

After 10 years running a national and independent brand of Estate Agents in Buckinghamshire, which would see me train and set targets for individual negotiators to plot our approach to hit record targets for my flagship branches I felt it was time for a change.

After receiving a call from an established recruitment agency based in Buckinghamshire with a chance to discuss my next career move, I was offered a role within that agency, having been an Estate Agent for many years with people always coming out with jokes, I thought why not move for one stigma sales role to another!!  

I have never looked back, from receiving some brilliant training from an established recruiter who has successfully grown his own business from nothing to a recognised and well respected brand with Buckinghamshire, whose target market is office support staff, I felt a change was in order to be able to use my sales skills and management skills from my previous experience.  It was time to move to a national sales recruitment agency who specialise in Sales, the type of selling I am passionate about.

If not in the office with a telephone stuck to my ear speaking to candidates and clients, I can be found of the golf course, a real passion of mine, I try to play at least twice a week which doesn’t go down to well at home! (But I do think she enjoys the peace and quiet!)

Aaron Wallis is a fantastic place to work, we have a great team spirit and mix of characters and experiences. We are very fitness focuses with regular morning circuit training sessions which I enjoy and helps towards my training for the Milton Keynes Marathon which I completed last year (2012) and have already started training for the up and coming 2013 marathon.

Paul can be contacted on 01908 061400

More About Paul Masterson

Describe your role in one sentence?

To provide professional advice and sales recruitment to businesses and to present them with outstanding candidates who may not be accessible to them that fit their specification

What is your style?

Structured and forward thinking

What’s the one thing that you’re best at solving for your clients

The type of candidate they are looking for, asking questions to understand previous roles and associated tasks and to gain their key examples – you never see a CV that’s reports bad sales figures, candidates always seem to miss that bit off!

Why would a client want to work with you?

My honesty and ability to identify uncommitted applicants, people have to buy into the role they are taking on rather than seeing it as just a job.

More About Paul Masterson as a Person

What is the favourite aspect of your work? Variety = Being able to work with different clients and roles on a daily bases.

What makes a great sales person – 3 words? Listening, awareness and honesty

Who have you worked with in the past and how has this shaped you (past history)? Andy Wallace Sales Director for Careys PLC taught me how to have high standards dealing with sales candidates and moulded expectations I have now when dealing with those candidates.

I confess to being bad at... writing about myself,

What would you like to change about the recruitment industry? The stereotype of recruitment consultants

Three things you’d never guess about me? I have two fractured vertebrae in my back, I’m a clean freak and my parents live in Cyprus

What is the best program on television? “League of their own”

What is the mantra, motivational quote or poem that inspires you? 5 P’s preparation, prevents ‘piddley’ poor performance (we all know the real version!)

What TV programme do you find the most irritating? Made in Chelsea

What is your favourite sport? If you read the start of about me – you can answer this! (Golf)

What would you like to have on your gravestone? If you are reading this, you are standing on me!! Get off!!

What is the sense that you’d be most reluctant to lose and why? Sight as it would make Golf difficult!

Favourite piece of music? – Tough I have three- Oasis “Champagne Super Nova”, Killers “Mr. Brightside” or “tonight tonight” by Smashing Pumpkins!

If you had a million pounds to give to a charity, who would you choose? The Alzheimer’s Society

Which bad habits of other people drive you crazy? Being untidy

Name two things you consider yourself to be very good at. Listening and using that to sell my point

Name two things you consider yourself to be very bad at. Being patient and talking to a camera (see Aaron Wallis videos!!

If you could go on a road trip with any person (dead or alive), who would you choose and where would you go? – Tiger Woods, Play golf in the US and live the dream!

Do you have any phobias? phobias not really, but I don’t like clowns – does that count!

What do you think the secret to a good life is? Happiness

Name one exotic country that you would like to visit and what would you do there? Cayman Island – just relax on the beach away from everybody!

If you could start your own restaurant, what would it be and what would it be called? The Shepherd’s Pie – serving only homemade shepherd’s pie – my favourite food

If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left. Play 3 rounds of golf

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Archaeologist – as a child enjoyed digging and trying to find gold!!

Who is the person you respect the most, and why? – My dad, kept me on the straight and narrow, taught me right and wrong – maybe lacking now days – but that’s another topic!

If your house was on fire and you could grab only 3 material possessions before leaving, what would they be? Golf Clubs, iPhone and laptop (photo’s)

What is the temptation that you wish you could resist? Jelly Sweets

The famous person that you’d most like to have a pint with and why? Robbie Fowler – true Liverpool legend - 

Your ultimate ambition outside of work? Build a bright and solid foundation for my family

What was your ‘Sliding Door’ moment - the event that altered the course of your life? – V Festival 2009!

What would you do if you were the ‘Invisible Man’ for the day? Too many to comment on! 

What is a skill that you’d like to learn? To speak Spanish

Name a new hobby or interest that you’d like to take up? Rowing – might be an Olympic thing

When you think of ‘retirement’ what image does it conjure up?  Golf and more Golf and probably the odd shopping day in Marks and Spencer’s, wandering around holding the basket wishing I was on the golf course!

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Rob Scott - Aaron Wallis

by Rob Scott

Managing Director

Rob Scott, Aaron Wallis Sales Recruitment, Author Photo

About the author

Rob Scott

Rob is the Managing Director of Aaron Wallis Sales Recruitment, a national recruitment agency specialising in sourcing sales and marketing staff for businesses across a broad range of commercial sectors. Before setting up Aaron Wallis, Rob spent ten years at a specialist Sales and Marketing recruitment division of a £0.5BN recruitment group, leaving in 2007 as Marketing & Sales Director to establish Aaron Wallis.
With over 26 years of experience in sales recruitment, Rob is a History graduate with an MBA (Merit) and a PgCert in Management Practice.  In 2007, 2009 and 2013, Rob conducted the most extensive surveys of sales professionals in the UK and is a trusted authority in the sales industry. From guiding employers through the recruitment process to helping candidates find their dream job, Rob's advice has been quoted in leading publications such as the FT, Business Insider, Forbes and The Independent, as well as OnRec, which hosts The Online Recruitment Awards every year.