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CV Optimizer
If you're familiar with SEO this'll be kids play but if you're not then apply the lessons here and watch the difference!
To download the module in a PDF format simply click here
This module encompasses the Top 20 hints and Tips to create a successful CV including some really solid advice on the 'do's and the don't's !
Once you've optimised your 'CV for the Digital Age' don't forget to register with register your CV with Aaron Wallis and let us find the top jobs for you.
Good luck with optimising your CV and we shall look forward to hearing from you.
All the best, have fun,
Rob Scott
Managing Director
01908 061400
Quote of the Day: "Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity" - Louis Pasteur
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by Rob Scott
Managing Director
About the author
Rob Scott